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Monday, August 20, 2007

Cheap books

Like many of the makeover home shows I’m addicted to - I’m counting the days until the big reveal of our new book for the brand, new Bossier Voices Book Club.
As a precaution, I have sewn my lips shut, which serves a dual purpose as I can neither eat nor tell the new book before the whole book club hears about it at 7 p.m. Thursday Sept. 6 at Shogun restaurant in Bossier City.
For the many who have emailed me about joining – don’t panic! There is plenty of time and everyone is welcome. It’s going to be really fun and fulfilling.
If for some reason you can’t make it to our first meeting and still want to join, once again – don’t panic! We will be filming the meeting and there will still be time to sign up online in a chat room we will be adding at
Stay tuned to the Bossier Voices blog at to find out all the latest news about the book club.
For those whose purse and wallet strings are a little tight, I am trying to find ways to save money on our books.
There is a unique website at that says, “Borrow our books, read them and return them when you are done.”
Hmmm, I’m going to check it out for the rest of us and make sure this is a true website and if books arrive right away or there is a wait. There also is a monthly fee to borrow as many books as the reader likes.
The fees include Gold Membership 9.99 for a Gold Plan. With that plan, members enjoy the benefits of having up to two (2) books checked out at any given time. This plan is ideal for casual readers.
I’m a writer so it’s nice to know that books are available for a very low cost if we only take good care of them.


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