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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Garage sale addict

I admit it - I am addicted to finding useless items and adding them to my already overcrowded junk-filled home.
A few weeks ago I went to Goodwill in Haughton (a personal favorite because they are so friendly and then I can go to Brookshire's and buy groceries) and bought a bottle that looked old for $1.
"It even has the bubbles blown into the glass," said the clerk.
"Wow," I agreed, thinking those bubbles probably made the bottle worth millions. Take that PBS Antiques Roadshow.
It's amazing what people will buy if it has the promise of more worth or it's on sale.
People used to say my sister would buy a stack of 2x4s if she were homeless and they were on sale.
Along those lines, there is a humongous garage sale coming up at Louisiana Downs from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. this Saturday.
I plan to be there so don't even think about buying any bottles with bubbles in them.
In fact, send me your stories from the garage sale - it's not a treasure unless you can brag about the bargain you got!


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