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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Will gray hair ever really be hip?

A lot of people I know who are of a certain age are refusing to color their hair. That would be the women I know - but there are plenty of Just For Men hair color converts as well. I would like to be that brave. I don't even remember my real hair color because as soon as I was old enough to hitchhike to a drug store, I colored it. It had to do with Barbie. I liked her hairdo and apparently so did a lot of the young boys I played Army-Nurse with.
"You're not pretty because you don't have long, blond hair," one former 9-year-old crush told me.
Long, blond hair is not pretty when everyone knows that at your age it would be a true crisis of delayed nature. But I'm still not sure about letting my gray fly - "I'm gray and I'm proud. Get used to it!"
However, it seems harder to find a good hair stylist in Bossier City than a Gestalt therapist. I mean really impossible. One of the salons my husband recently went in to made him look like he was a recovering crack addict and maybe not even recovering.
Is there anyone that can help?